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Monday, December 29, 2014

Introduction, The Beginning.

Where to begin? Where to begin?...I have wanted to do this for quite some time but never got the chance. I am a young female Tattoo Artist in New York and I have witnessed many struggles in my short 2 years of this profession. This is where I would like to bring some of them to light.

There are things I have noticed, spotted if you will, that not only bother me but my fellow artists. I realized something. There aren't that many blogs or articles that speak the truth about tattoo artists in their every day lives. There is no step guide for this, no ABC's. Many people have the wrong idea of us and its something that needs to be set straight.

Tattoo artists are not what everyone thinks they are. We are not these party hard stoners and alcoholics that you see us portrayed as. People who stay up all night after tattooing all day and jump bar to bar then never sleep and do it all again the next day. Yeah. Right....We are home owners, parents, responsible people that have bills to pay and families to feed. We do our job on ridiculous hours until our fingers are numb and our backs almost break just so we can make a living and bring home the bread to our family. So we can bring a bit of joy to someone else who may need it more than us. No one sees the struggles we go through, the high demand that we put up with. We do our job for multiple reasons and of course making money is one of them. The main reason being to bring  happiness to people in a way that will stay with them forever. We are in an industry that is permanent, competitive and stressful but brings us the most joy in the world. 

That is what this blog is going to be all about. Bringing awareness about who we really are, the struggles that we go through and the amazing adventures we take one blog entry at a time. Cheers.



  1. great start, alyx!!! you can do anything you put your mind to!!!

    1. Thank you very much Diann, For constant support and love. Share it away!

  2. I'm really proud of you my sweet daughter. You are an absolute rock star in every way! I'm so proud of you & all you've accomplished and your dreams of all you are looking to accomplish in your future! You're an inspiration to so many, especially young artists & future girl tattoo artists!! Keep on rocking honey! xoxo MaDukes
